So I was walking my dog this morning...


So I was on a walk with my dog this morning, and it's going pretty good. She's not tugging the leash too much, it nice outside despite being February, great, right? Well, I decide to take her over to a main road to see how she does with some extra distractions, and I'm proud of this little cutie cause she doesn't even care. And then we walk past a burger place, and the whole area smells like french fries. Yum. Anyway, as we're walking past I notice my dog falling behind a little bit, so I turn to encourage her to forget about the smells, and guys, she wasn't smelling anything, no, no, she didn't want to smell the fries, she wanted to be the fries. She also wanted to keep walking, so naturally, she's got her face to the sidewalk (like, rubbing her face and neck in), and her butt in the air with her back legs still walking. So to all the cars driving by it looks like my dog is tired and evil me is dragging her along the sidewalk, when really she just wants to keep walking while smelling like the whole joint. And guys, she wouldn't stop until we were past it. Maybe it's not as funny in story, but I was dying of laughter. I love this little girl of mine 😂😍