Is it ok if I tell you all something.....

Lucy • 45 year old mum of 4 daughters. Girlfriend to my gorgeous boyfriend. TTC a baby with my soul mate ✨

.....that I’m actually pretty proud of myself😊

20 months ago I got out of a very abusive 3 year relationship. I felt very fragile and generally low. I was out of shape too. I’m probably a bit hard on myself as I’m 45 and have had 4 children but I needed to get in shape and feel more confident.

I want to show you the difference a low carb diet and a bit of planking can make. I feel a lot more confident and I’m the happiest I’ve EVER been.

10 months ago I met the love of my life and he’s the most amazing boyfriend.

Just want to give some encouragement to anyone out there embarking on getting in shape x

This is me before..

And after x


Can I just say THANK YOU for all the amazing comments from you gorgeous ladies... I really appreciate it, I’ve spent so many years feeling dowdy and inadequate... not any more!!!!!! 💪😊😘