How do we address bias in the media? Should we expect more from the press?

Manda 🦈 • Staying home is the new going out. And stop inviting people over... stay home with the people you actually live with. 😷

Bias is real. It exists on both sides. We all know that. (At least I REALLY hope we all know that.) As I am more liberal leaning, the liberal bias doesn’t bother me as much as the conservative bias. But this article made me think it should. In fact, maybe it should bother me even more. If you’re up for a good read (and hopefully a good discussion) keep reading...

So, if you made it through all of those screenshots, what do you think? How do we justify ignoring the stories and voices from such a huge demographic? And where can we find these stories? Do I have to start watching Fox News?! 😖