life situation

I’m currently a sophomore in high school and i am a 2 sport athlete. recently i had just broken my arm in my favorite sport basketball. i have been in a cast for 5 weeks and it’s getting ready to come off this friday. But i’m also a track runner and have a situation. I don’t wanna run track this year to focus on rebuilding my arm to get my spot back as a varsity basketball player and to also pick my job back up to make cash for vacation i’m going on in august. ig i’m just stuck on the fact that i love track but also wanna rebuild my arm strength and get back to where i was before it broke, but i also don’t wanna let my team down... i could really use anyone’s opinion on wether or not i should run to make my coach and dad happy and help it look better for me in my basketball recruiting process or work on what i love to get back to what i love