Depression Advice?


So I’ve dealt with depression nearly my whole life. One thing after another tested my mental health. My mom left when I was 1 1/2. I was put into foster care when I was 4 and pulled away from my older brother. We weren’t supposed to be there so we got out and lived with our aunt for a few months. After that we moved around a lot. We moved to our third state and after about six years of living here my father got arrested. Throughout this whole time my brother became very physically and mentally abusive. My dad was letting my mom live with us at the time so she took custody of us for about a year until my brother was getting ready to move out and then she left again. So my friends mom took me in about 4 months ago. Me and my brother became close. He stopped hitting me and I think he mostly stopped because he realized it was wrong. My dad never told him it was wrong. Every time I tried to get help from him he just told him “wait till she gets old enough to hit back”. But we did become close recently. And then this past weekend he moved back to the state we were born in. I also got out of my first serious relationship of 1 1/2 years. I also found out that my dad has stage four cancer and idk how to feel about it. That was about 6 months ago and it just seems like everyone I care about ends up leaving and I’m usually really strong I just don’t know what to do at this point. I’m a senior in high school and I graduate in 3 months and it’s just a terrible time to be this depressed and distracted. Any tips? I’m sorry for the super long rant. Thanks to anyone who reads this.