Trazodone for postpartum insomnia recovery?


My insomnia started December 1,2017 when my son was almost 2 months old. It was terrifying. I went 6 days of 2 hours of sleep a night and on the last day I didn’t sleep at all. My mom flew out to help and I was perscribed Ambien which turns out was a good short term fix but then my anxiety around sleeping shifted to anxiety about taking a controlled substance that I could get addicted to. I feel 0 depression, it was all anxiety. Despite this, I decided to give Lexapro a try to see if it would help and I was on it 4 days before I stopped because the insomnia and anxiety got way worse on it. Im working with a psychiatrist who agrees I’m not depressed and that I need a solid month of sleep to get my confidence back and suggested Trazodone. I have been on it for a week and a half and have started sleeping much better and feeling like myself again. My question is.... how long were you on it before you weaned off? Really looking for success stories now that I’m seeing progress. Thank you so much!