How to deal with people talking about you

Y’all...this really is a long story but I’m gonna try and make it short. Me and this other girl competed to get a captain spot for a team I’m in. The coach chose me...then her...then me again....then her. I don’t understand why she would even hate me if she has the spot she wants. Now that she has the spot her and her friends can’t stop picking me me. She’s always pointing me out saying I’m doing things wrong and if I try and defend myself all her friends back her up and go against me. They’ve apologized it keep doing the same thing. I’m just so tired of it and they’ve done this so much for this whole school year it’s tearing down on me and I’m just getting anxiety and depression because of them. My boyfriend has made me feel so much better and have so much confidence in myself but I can feel my self confidence going away with everything they pick and every fight and argument they start. My friends defend me but it’s just not enough. They hide the fact of being bullies with “were just honest so we sound like a bitch” or “were just hard asses”. I’ve told my teachers and they know what’s going on...I just can’t tell my coach because he really likes those girls and basically considered them his favorites. I feel like if I tell him he won’t believe me. I just don’t know what to do anymore...should I tell my coach and risk the fact that I’ll look stupid or just wait if this blows over. The only reason I keep pushing this is because they’ve pushed me to the point of suicidal thoughts. And I’ve been in such a good place and haven’t had those in months...