Cam modeling

I’m only 20 years old I been married for 8months now . My husband recently lost his job which means I’m pretty much the only one bringing income . We have our own place I just got myself a brand new car, he has his own car that still has like a couple of years left on being paid . We got bills hitting us left and right . I get paid 10$ an hour plus my commission and my location is just super slow they started cutting my hours I haven’t gotten a sale yet this month.

I’m freaking out because I can’t do all this on my own and on top of that I want to go back to school ASAP but now that pretty much seems impossible I get no financial aid because I’m not a U.S citizen that’s the only reason why I haven’t gone back to school.. lately I been seeing a lot of “web cam modeling” ads and I have done some research and I’m really considering it .. fast easy money . My rules my schedule ... I wouldn’t reveal my identity .. I already talked to my husband about this I told him we could even do it together and he said he would think about it he hasn’t given me an answer yet it’s been a week we spoke about it . Would you guys consider doing “web cam modeling” if you really needed the cash?..