Implantation?? Ovulation?? 6dpo

kesha • Twin Mommy 3.14.20 Audri & 👼🏽Aubri(3.24.20) |1/04/14💏 |one furbaby|PCOS

Hey heres my chart , got a bunch of mixed answers on my chart yesterday but ill remain hopeful. Ff says i Od cd 16.. but my last two temps were low and im starting to think it was because i didnt wake up on time i woke up early and it was cool the last two days in my home however this morning my temp went back up i havent had any pinches today but ive been having them since the first low temp in the dip. Someone said it could be my progesterone or i didnt o yet. Im on metformin and i have pcos and regular cycles since being on this medicine i dont cramp until around ovulation this time i did but it stopped and now around this time the pinches but this morning i feel nothing...what do you think?

Also used preseed

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