Is this Okay? I need some guidance.


Hey, all. I have a question, in regard to my relationship and if it is, Biblically speaking, okay to do these things. To begin with, I am not perfect and neither is my boyfriend. We have been together right at a year and we have had premarital sex many times. With this in mind, we have made a decision (last week to be exact) to start going back to church and pursuing relationships with God. With this, we repented and will not be having sex again, until marriage. Seeing that we will be married in May of this year, (yaaay 3 months away!) We have just continued living together (we've been living together for about 2 months now). With this being said, if sex is completely off the table and we are both pursuing God, can we continue to live together? I haven't found any scriptures about this subject so I am a bit confused. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.!