Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?

Okay, so back when my ex and I started dating, the two of us were kind of in this little friend group with two other kids in our school (senior year, for context). The four of us were always hanging out, in a lot of classes and clubs together. People mostly knew us for our constant SpongeBob references, though, which I had accidentally started as a continuous joke and were now a part of EVERY conversation.

Anyways, the four of us were hanging out outside of school for the first time, spending a week together, which was right after I started dating my (then) boyfriend. So the other two friends decided to leave the two of us alone. We’d only ever been alone together once before, and all we did was kiss a little.

So first time alone together, we’re making out on his bed, etc. etc. We messed around a little and did a couple firsts for both of us. When we were done, we had some time until the other two got back, so we just kind of lay there together. I was lying on top of him and he had his arms around me and a big smile on his face and we were silent. Then suddenly, he sighs really loudly, pats me on the back, and goes,

“Ahhh, I’m feeling it now, Mr. Krabs.”

And then goes back to being silent. Still smiling. Like it never happened.

I freaking lost it. I laughed for so long. He denies to this day that it ever happened, but I think it was one of the best moments of my life—and definitely the funniest.