I've been training wrong this whole time.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm in high school and I joined a PE class called Body Tone that specifically involves weightlifting and some cardio. Sometimes when there is left over time, my coach will make us do some ab workouts that usually, mostly consist of crunches and sit ups.

With this, recently I've also been incorporating my own mini ab workout regime at home after school. I was originally already petite and skinny before working out but for the last 4 weeks, I've seen a change of size in my body–especially in my abdomen area.

I learned that the more you train your obliques, you're actually making your stomach wider and bigger. This is probably the biggest facepalm because my goal was to shape my body more curvier to achieve the hourglass shape.

After learning this, I just don't know what to do and because of this, I've been feeling really insecure with how I look. I look like I gained some weight. I'm also confused because I don't know what exercises to avoid the boxy look.