I don't even know who to ask for help

go y'all I'm 17 weeks pregnant, I'm genuinely struggling emotions are getting the better of me, it's a task for me to even get out of bed in the morning now, my partner is sat down stairs with my little girl (aged 3) I can't even go down and sit with them .... I did try but emotions got the better of me and I ran back upstairs in floods of tears , during the week my little girl is my responsibility so I need to get my self sorted, I ain't been able to socialise in weeks, I can't tolerate my little girls behavior, it's been coming for a while around 2 months looking back I can see it these past 3 days are a total nightmare, I can't bring my selfies do anything but all, I've no idea what's caused me to feel like this Lately, I'm normally the person everyone comes to for advice ect, I can't see my gp because there is a months wait to see the doctor, but I know i need help I'm terrified social services will get involved with been pregnant, my little girl (3) ain't biological so if I lose her think that would be the end to me, I'm left with no idea what to do or where to turn