the ‘honeymoon stage’

I’m currently in my first serious relationship so I don’t have any experience to go off of so I’m hoping one of you lovely ladies in the community might be able to help!

My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months and recently we’ve noticed that things have just changed, I guess. It’s not as all cutesy and exciting and it used to be and I really hate that. He doesn’t tell me he loves me as much as he used to or say cute things like he used to but then again I have anxiety and I’m not sure if I’m just overthinking it. One of my friends said that it’s completely normal and now we’re at a point where we’ll either stay together or we won’t, now that we aren’t in that new and exciting stage, if that makes sense. She also said that guys just don’t say that kind of stuff as much as girls do. Do I have anything to worry about or is this all normal? Tia x