Hey... at least I’m not...


39 weeks today and still very much pregnant. No major contractions or anything resembling regular contractions. But at least (and I may be jinxing myself here...) I’m not swollen.

By this time with my daughter I had cankles and camel feet already... not to mention my face looked like the staypuff marshmallow man. None of my shoes fit and my rings were sooooo tight.

I still have ankles, my ring is still loose, and my face is just slightly pudgier than usual.

That’s the silver lining I’m holding onto while I pray that labor starts soon and I won’t need an induction or a repeat csection because lil man gained too much. Hopefully he’s a reasonable size and we can move forward with my VBAC 😂 🤞🏼🙏🏼

Hope everyone else who is still pregnant is doing alright... hang in there ladies. I know it’s hard to see all these birth stories from people due at the end of the month but our day is coming! Save the best for last eh?