Miscarriage or unusual cycle?


As doctor instructed I took clomid 100mg and I got a missed period which made my cycle goes till 36 days without any sign of a period(ie: yesterday)

I had breast pain from couple of days, no cramps, food craving, frequent peeing and slight headache until yesterday.

I didn’t take a pregnancy test thinking I would check after 1.5 weeks of missed period but yesterday <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> (after 6 days of missed period - my avg cycle is 29 days) period commenced at once whereas I never had a sign of coming it.

It started slightly and became heavy until now passing red clots and a heavy blood steam. I was in a huge pain yesterday with cramps and stomach and back pains.

I am feeling sick today too and lost the appetite already.

The maximum cycle I had 32 days so far in my lifetime and this is first time of going it till 36 days.

Can this be an early miscarriage?

Please advice for the next step