How long ?


Hi ladies... just wondering if you can share how long it took for you to become pregnant again after your miscarriage ? I lost my son 5 months ago at 17 weeks in September 2017. My first period came 5 weeks later but it was hardly there, very scant and only lasted 3 days. I had a proper period in November 2017 and they have been very regular since then. We have been trying to conceive after my November period so it's been about 3 months now. I have been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> dates etc. I know it's not very long but it just feels like forever. Could it just be my body has not healed or isnt ready for pregnancy yet ? I just want to be pregnant again & have a baby. Please share some of your stories to give me some hope. I'm an emotional wreck every time my period arrives 😔😔😔