My boyfriend and I have fought a couple times lately and i actually hurt him, like I pinched him hard and slapped him in the back. I dont know why I did this. I feel like absolute shit. we been together 4 years, and I have never done this:( we been fighting about me not working often enough even though its been slow and we been financially struggling and his mum is trying to move in with us even though she hates me, i recently had a miscarriage so its been hard on us too when we first started dating when we fought he would be the one hurting me and that stopped long ago but the last 2 fights we had i got sooo frusturated that i pinched in on his stomach and slapped in back.. the reason his mom hates me is csuse we moved 12 hours away from her and cause I would not belive in god or jesus she hates me before me and him started dating