Planning for our future


My guy and I are together almost 11 months and we have talked about our future. Being that I’m in my early 30s with a blood clotting disorder, having kids may have to be thought of sooner than later...we aren’t engaged yet but he said def will propose before the end of 2018 and married by next spring...we agreed and then trying for a child maybe next with my genetic disorder...there’s a lot that can go wrong and become a high risk pregnancy...prothrombin gene mutation can make pregnancy my doctor suggested to plan at least a year ahead before actually trying. So now we have a sonogram saturday to get an overall idea of how healthy I am and then the week after we have genetic counseling...he has been so supportive and loving, I am beyond grateful!!! How I got so lucky I thank my lucky stars! I’m so nervous, any advice on how to support each other better through all these tests...?