Can't relate to millions of induction posts


I'm trying for a VBAC, and my birthing center is small. If I were to receive medication to induce me, they would have to have their entire staff on hand for a C Section in case I needed it, even if the VBAC went well in the end, which they don't do. They will let my body go as long as possible, as long as baby is healthy, which I take as 42 weeks and then scheduling a C section. My only two options are to go into labor naturally or have a repeat C section, which I do NOT want.

I am not frustrated by the wait. Or the unknown. Am I reading into every little tweak and twinge that my body has? Absolutely. But I'm more frustrated because of the women complaining they aren't allowed to be induced at 39 weeks, or that they have to wait until 40 weeks and a few days. I know pregnancy is uncomfortable and we all want to meet our babies. But at least you have the option of induction. Not everybody has that option. Just keep that in mind when you feel the need to complain that your induction got pushed back 12 hours.