Red Spotting and Fearing the Worst.

🌹Rose🌈🎶 • FTM since 12/23/18 <3

There are lots of good news stories about women who have bled and gone on to have healthy babies. There are plenty of sad stories that end in miscarriage. Did you experience bright red bleeding in your first trimester? When? What was the outcome. Going to see my doctor today and will demand a full check over but I can't help but fear this will be a sad chapter in my story.

UPDATE: Ran blood work to check my hcg levels so I'll hear back on that later. Ultrasound booked on Friday to make sure it's not ectopic or molar. They also had me do a urine test as to rule out possible infection. As I was in the bathroom for that I passed a clot about the size of a nickel and am bleeding enough to need a pad now. My doctor was good enough to give me the rest of the week off work, too, and additional time if needed. Thanks everyone for the feedback so far :)