could I be pregnant?

Hi ladies, I need answers.. So I stopped my birth control intake in early January. Had a light period on mid January. Then again on the last days of January, but my period then was medium to heavy flow on the first two days and then faded out. Usually, I get blood clots during my period but in those 2 I did not. I have been feeling odd. Two nights ago I dreamt I was pregnant (best feeling ever. never had such dream). for a few nights I couldn't sleep nor sleep on my stomach. I don't want to test. It is too soon. Nonetheless I don't want to be disappointed.. Yet I don't have my hopes up. I still believe I can't get pregnant that fast. My sister and co-worker are excited for me and I get mixed feelings. ANYWAY...what do my periods mean? could it just been withdrawal bleeding and then my actual period? And the odd feeling is just my hormones? What do you think? I should also note ive had cramping and some occasional dizzines and hot flashes and otger things in between. Again, I feel like this is all PMS stuff and not really pregnancy symptoms. My boobs even feel fine. the norms. Ugh. im just so confused... my next period should be aroiund the 28th.. answers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!