First Period Since Giving Birth...


I just started my period for the first time since giving birth (via C section 3 months ago) and I'm terrified. Many people say the first one is awful, and my period was heavy before pregnancy, I was using super plus or ultra absorbency tampons. Right now it's normal, but heavy at all for the first day, but my second days were always much heavier. A few girls I work with said they had to call off work when they got their first one after birth because it was uncontrollably heavy, constant, and painful. I'm so over the top, I have a liner, tampon, wore a pair of underwear I don't care about ruining, and even put down the large bed pad they gave me when we left the hospital LOL. What has everyone else experienced and what has helped you through it medication-wise while still breastfeeding? Anything you recommend?