What do you guys think?

Ashley • 3 beautiful babies of mine in heaven ❤️

I’m so nervous to test because I know as soon as I see that negative I’m just going to regret testing. The last few months I’ve gotten my period a few days before Glow projected me to get it, but I also had my app glitch out and lost a bunch of past info so from October to January I would get my period a 2-3 days before glow said... well today I’m 2 days late my breasts aren’t sore, and I’m not nauseous. But my nipples are darker, I’ve been so tired lately (but getting plenty of sleep) that my fiancé literally asked me one time “why are you so tired it’s only 8?” My periods late but I’m cramping and peeing like crazy. I don’t even wanna hype myself up and think about it 24/7 but I also just want to take one so I can stop stressing it but so nervous!! Should I wait or buy one today and take it tomorrow?