Bicornuate uterus.. Anyone heard of it, have/had it, or know the symptoms?? 13 wks.


Hello ladies. Just wanted to know if anyone knows of any info on bicornuate uterus. I don't know if I have one but since 12wks I've been feeling baby move, (4th child, im a very slim female) but he/she is always in my lower right abdomen. I never feel him/her anywhere else just always in that lower right area in my abdomen. I will ask my GP about it next appointment but I googled the issue and Bicornuate Uterus came up and many females said they had the same problem and didn't know they had the bicornuate uterus until birth where the baby was stuck in the right horn of the uterus and they had to get c-section to get baby out. So, that kinda scared me😨😔. Just wondering if any ladies have experienced this before and can give some more info on it. If not, thanks for reading!!! 😊😉