My Valentine’s Day baby ❤️

Jasmine • 02.14.18💚👦🏽 02.16.21💗🤱🏽


My March 20th baby turned into a Valentine’s Day baby! Elijah Michael James was born 02/14/28 at 4:02 pm, weighing 4lbs 6oz despite being an IUGR baby. He’s doing amazing so far, breathing on his own but is in the NICU to make sure he doesn’t lose any weight. Super super blessed, thank you God. ❤️🙏🏽

Update: Elijah was on some extra oxygen for a little but has been off since sometime yesterday. He is drinking my milk well, but from a bottle until he gets the hang of it! He is setting and dirtying his diapers. He has some jaundice but is getting treated for it as of today. My baby boy is doing so well! 😭💙