I don’t think we will make it

It’s one of those make it or break it moments for us right now. We are on a break, and he just informed me he went on a second date with his coworker, the one he said asked him out and he would not do anything with because of work. He now tells me she was pushy so he went out again. Total bs. But worse than that, he said that if we get back together he will ditch her but if we break up he will go for it. Tells me enough so I texted him - feel free to go for her, I will make this decision easier for you and take a step back. He then asked me if this is about some other guy. Like wtf, you just told me you liked someone else. But I replied - not at all, i love you and want us to be together but I am not sure I’m ok with being one of the two options. He’s on a business trip and told me - we’ll talk later. That was 2 days ago. No text ever since. I have a bad feel about this, his stories don’t add up and also what he says and what he does is way different. He used to worship me so this is just beyond hurtful. I think I will have to stick with the final breakup text. Happy Valentine’s Day.