Any advice baby daddy drama !

So me and my child’s father haven’t been together in 3 years my child is about to be four . He is in and out financially he helps he sends money every week but sees her around 3 times a month if so . Since I have been in a relationship and pregnant with my second child he has been making my life hell text messages wishing dead on my current partner and baby calling me out of my name . I have blocked his number and usually unblock it the day he has my child just Incase something happens (he picks her up from my moms house) I’m 25 years old this man is 10 years older than me . I have always had issues with him having my daughter around people every time he has her . Never having her alone which bothers me . Either he picks her up with at least one friend or he has her around strangers and females . She has a sister who is 12 her mom and I don’t know each other he makes it impossible for us to even meet . This woman and him are not together they mess around once in a while that’s when my daughter will see her sister that’s how I have tracked it when they are fucking she sees her sister . Two Saturday’s ago he begged for her said he needed daddy time with her so he picks her up while he is with her I do some snooping on social media to see what they are doing I never bring anything up He has no idea anyways while snooping I see a picture of him his twogirls and the babymomma together also she posted pictures of my daughter which I don’t like but I didn’t bring it up she had fun with her sister and that’s family after all . However this past weekend he asked to have her said he wanted to take them both to the fair next thing you know I decided to go on social media and I find months worth of pictures of my daughter on this females profile with her kids meaning that either he is with his bm and her sister or this female and her kids . Now I’m getting annoyed because I feel for my daughter she deserves more than shared time I know that’s his time with her and whatever he chooses to do with it its his problem however that’s unstable and I refused to have my child reissued like that . So I asked him who was the female he said idk what you are talking about you know I always got hoes around , and I said yes around you not my child ! So I tell him that if that’s his gf I want to meet her if she’s going to be around . He refuse and that was that I politely wrote to the female told her that I will like for her to take the pictures down I don’t know her and out of respect I will appreciate it . She said she would and went off then blocked me but I have access to other sources lol and she is still posting pics I feel like now she’s just being petty . I don’t know what to do at this point my bf doesn’t post pictures of her either out of respect because those were his wishes since we broke up and honestly she’s a child she doesn’t need to be on social media ! I need some advice on what to do next I wish I could find her number so I can call her and have a serious talk about how disrespectful it is to go behind my back