Mental Abuse?

How do you determine if your being mentally abused? I keep finding myself making excuses for his behavior and I'm just not sure anymore... 😭 I've been depressed and honestly just wanting to leave lately but we're practically married and have a child together. I feel obligated to stick it out because he took care of me.. waited on me hand and foot, paid the bills, did the house work, etc. while I was way too sick to help with any of it. Now that I'm better he makes comments (for the past few months) about me not doing anything, and just every little mistake I make it seems... He told me today he only feels angry about the stuff he's commenting on during the moment but this is happening several times a day and effecting my mood now... Ive started to think he resents how much he has had to do, and still does for me..The past month I've been helping out around the house, and I have a job. The comments are continuing though (not as much about house work) and I don't really even want to be around him when he's home. Honestly I'm ridiculous, high maintenance, and he's had more responsibility on his shoulders than he should have for way too long... But I have to make a change if this is going to continue. It seems like he's been instigating fights (not sure if it's intentional) ... Or when we argue after I try to stop he continues.. brings it back up and gets me going again. In the 40 minutes we were home together today we argued for 30.. 10 minutes in I'm crying because it's all a misunderstanding and trying to stop arguing with him. The next 20 minutes was him repeatedly bringing it up, me trying to stop, repeat.... He told me he thinks he needs to do some kind of anger management and possibly get on medication but he's said this before and never followed through. We didn't have insurance the first couple of times and do now.. which was his excuse for not following through back then. There are several other things that make me question mental abuse but I keep writing them off. Please tell me what some of the signs are or how to determine if it's abuse or not... When do I know I should walk away...? I'm so invested and want this to work out but I've been questioning our relationship for a while... **SO sorry this is all over the place. If you read this far thank you, and any advice would be appreciated. 😣😢