My little Valentine ❤️


On February the 13th I woke up in full nesting mode. My husband an I went to the gym as normal got home an I decided to nap before cleaning. My mom came over to help. We got most everything done and it was time for my husband (works evenings) to get home. We stayed up until about two and went to bed. I was having some pain in my hip went to pee an it went away. I kept waking during the night and just over all felt weird. At on the 14th I woke myself and thought I was peeing myself. I went to pee an decided to lay back down and get up again in 30 minutes or so and sure enough I leaked more. I did that until 8:00 a.m at 8:30 i decided to call the doctor and they advised that I come in. We got to the doctor at 10:15 (1 hour drive to hospital) I was checked and sent to L&D; immediately. I was dilated to a 3 already. Up until I was checked I had 0 contractions. I was also bleeding pretty bad! They started pitocin and baby’s heart beat dropped drastically twice. So, they turned it off immediately. They turned the pit down (when started again) and we were on our way. I dilated from 3-6 almost 7 in 1 hour and 7-10 in 30 minutes. I got my epidural at 3 an only one side took. So we rolled and wiggled and finally got the left side numb. And when it was time to push I could feel the contractions in my butt (painful but helpful) so we decided it was time to push. 25 minutes later she decided to make her appearance. I couldn’t ask for a better labor, nursing staff and baby girl. 😍😍❤️