TW: is this rape?

So my boyfriend has never been able to grasp the meaning of the word no. A lot of the time he’ll try fingering me and I’ll say stop and he’ll say I’m not doing anything but then carry on keep trying and it gets to a point where I get tired of telling him to stop and brush it off, also he’ll ask for sex and I’ll say no he’ll keep trying to tease me even though I say stop and turn away from him and he’ll just put it in anyway. He gets really defensive so I could never be bothered saying anything.

Anyway, my ex boyfriend literally pinned me down and raped me, and judging from my currents boyfriends actions I wanted to see what he was like.

Last night I was lay in bed falling asleep, and I had told him I was going to sleep, after just laying in silence for a while I felt him start to finger me and I was a bit like wtf but I didn’t do anything. He did stuff id never let him do ever, he put a finger in my ass and usually it really hurts me if he puts two fingers inside my vagina but he went straight in and put two in anyway, he took my shorts off and then literally had sex with me. I was lay so still not moving, scared to do anything.

Afterwards, I lay for about half an hour before going to the toilet, and I asked him why my shorts were off. We had been drinking a little and I was pretty drunk so I feel this is why he said this but he said ‘we were kissing and you helped me take them off’ and ‘you were literally communicating with me’. I kept saying over and over how I was literally asleep but he still tried to use these to his defence. Then he said ‘what? Were you blacked out’ he completely contradicted himself. How could I have been communicating and kissing if I was blacked out?

Idk what to do, I don’t want to confront him because he’ll say it didn’t happen and get so defensive..