Crib to floor bed transition


Backstory:: my daughter is one of those Houdini children I always heard about, but thought I’d never have. My son NEVER got out of anything you put him in...not once. So yesterday my sour patch kid, almost 2yrs, decided it was time to flip out of her crib, which had already been lowered as much as possible by removing the mattress support and putting two mattresses on the floor so it just blocked the gap at the bottom of the crib. After a bump to the head we removed one mattress in hopes she’d stay put, didn’t last long before she was sliding out the bottom. So we shoved pillows in the gap, sat in there till she was asleep, and woke up to her playing with her diapers...OUTSIDE of the crib. Buh-bye crib!

Fast forward to today at nap time. The cribs gone, all the toys are picked up and/or removed, the rooms a dream for napping in my opinion. She was wild and not having this no crib-moms in the room-floor bed mess. It took an hour and 45 minutes to get said SPK to sleep. I kept it as simple as I could. If she got off I’d pick her up and lay her back down, “night time” and “time to sleep” were said a lot, I tried laying next to her, rubbing her back, EVERYTHING I could think of. Can anyone give me better suggestions or tips or tricks or a magical solution????