How common are false positives?

I had a boyfriend for 2 years we were both virgins and began to be sexual. We rarely used condoms because I am on the pill. I ended our relationship with him last may and hooked up with other people sense. (No protection) thinking I could trust people but that's not very smart. Last September I noticed a small bump on my bikini line. When I was shaving I hit it and it resulted in a very small cluster of blisters. I freaked and went to the doctors but she said they were too dry to do a swab test so I had a blood test done and it came back positive for hsv2. Heart broken and extremely insecure I still cry about this almost every day and can't seem to get it off my mind. (February ) I researched and there can be false positives but that's normally if there was no outbreak. I haven't had once sense then and had no pain/ tingling feeling initially. Do you think it could be a false positive? Or should I just get over myself and move on. Even though that's extremely hard I'm only in highschool and feel too young for my life to be ruined. please I need your advice