Help! I’m fugly. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™…πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


I have been so frustrated with my hair for a long time. I have long hair and in high school I used to shower at night, wake up and brush it and it was good to go. I literally have NO skills in doing my hair and everyday it just ends up in a ratty bun.

My hair is very thick and dark, I have Hispanic background if that helps. Any time I put my hair up I have so many flyaways!!! I feel it’s either look like a mess or completely shellac my hair back, which I hate that look for myself.

When i straighten my hair it still looks frizzy and it makes my hair feel more brittle. I can’t do that everyday 😣

I can’t even blow dry my hair right, it just gets more frizzy. Any heat I apply pretty much does that. I have no idea how to get those luxurious curls that I see on so many ladies. I always feel like I’m a mess!! Last year I got a baylage for the first time (I never dyed my hair before that) and i feel like it just made it look more dead.

Does anyone else deal with Hair like mine and do you have any tips?

It would be greatly appreciated.

I just want I be able to make my hair look neat and not with a bunch of flyaways and like it’s been fried.