41 weeks, induction and then c section. And I’m in love


Sorry for the long post 😬.

Today I’m 6 days PP and I have some time so I will be finally telling you my story. I don’t like to write to much but maybe some of you will enjoy reading this 😊.

I have PCOS, I got treatment for this by June of 2016 (metformin) and in May of 2017, in my first try with Clomid, I got pregnant.

I kept taking metformin the whole pregnancy. Everything went perfect all the time, I was considered high risk so I had a different doctor to make the ultrasounds. My baby girl was always measuring big but nothing else to worry about and by the week 28 I was not considered high risk anymore and my baby was in the 60% so that’s a normal big 😆.

At 35 weeks she was 6 lbs 9oz, but the doctor was not worried about her size because I was 7 pounds at birth and also my husband....well that’s big enough lol for a 36 weeks girl 😜

Time passed by and at 41 weeks and no signs at all of going into labor, I decide to go for induction.

Next day we went to the hospital and they started me with cervidil for 12 hours. Next morning I was at 3 so my doctor came and broke my water and put me on Pitocin. After that contractions came pretty hard, I felt like I was passing out, so I asked for epidural and about one hour later the dr came with the epidural, I was at 4cm, and the good feeling came really fast. So I took a rest for some time. The only family I have in this country is my husband so it was only me and him all the time.

10 hours after they took the cervidil out I was at 10 cm so we started to push. I didn’t have any pain, just pressure so it was pretty easy to do it. BUT, after two hours of pushing like crazy and a lot of fingers for stimulation, my baby was not showing at all and even when I was fine and also my baby, the doctor was worried that I did not have enough space in my canal to deliver her. I was tired so I spoke with my husband and we decided for a c section.

After that one hour passed by and my beautiful baby came to this world, 9 beautiful pounds 🤭😂 that of course there was no way I would have delivered in any natural way. She was 100% healthy and 9.9 in the APGAR metric.

This is Emily, my love, my life.

9 lbs


And she looks like my husband a lot 😂😍, he is crazy in love with her too.

Thank you for reading this. I spent hours during my pregnancy reading the birth stories in this app and finally was my time.