Not What I expected to do this weekend


I went in for my normal OB check up, 34 weeks today (Feb 16,2018) I was having an NST done (non-stress test). My BP was elevated a bit, I have chronic hypertension so the Doc was concerned and sent me on to the ER. I honestly thought it would come down like it had in the past. My Bp was spectacular until week 30. Then it just went wild.

They hook me up, it just creeps 190/89, 194/93...up and up and up. I’m completely asymptomatic. No blurred vision, no headache. Just swelling, the doctor was not happy. I wasn’t responding to medications, they feared I would have a seizure if they didn’t do something soon. So he came in and said we didn’t want to but we are having this baby today at 34 weeks.

I was prepped and in the OR in under 20 minutes. It was pretty serious. 15 minutes my baby girl came into the world. She had to go straight to the NICU for breathing issues. She has had two doses of steroids and is close to come off the cpap machine. I have yet to lay eyes or hands on her because I’m still being monitored, but knowing she is making tremendous progress and things are looking good makes the wait all worth the while.