Crush on a new guy💕 help!

Grace • 💜🏳️‍🌈🌊Bi | Artist | love is love | anxiety+depression | Epilepsy | I'm just doing my best✌️

There's a new kid in my English class and he's really cute and I don't think he has a lot of friends yet (that I know of, I only see him in English class) and basically he's not tainted by the popular kids yet which is what always happens to new kids at our school so I want to get to know him but I have absolutely no idea how to talk to him. He's kind of shy but that could just be because he's new. I'm shy all the time unless I'm with someone I know well so this will not go well. He sits all the way across the room from me in class so I can't really talk to him I can just weirdly look at him while sending him vibes trying to get him to look at me. I have no idea when I could talk to him. The only thing I could think of would be bumping into him on purpose but pretending it was an accident and somehow striking up a conversation. UGH HELP AN INTROVERT OUT