Being dumped while pregnant

I’m 18 found out last month I was pregnant my family was fully supportive my boyfriends wasn’t and wanted me to get an abortion me and my boyfriend had being great so excited we was going to start paying for a place yesterday but yesterday he ignored me for hours (which is unusual and he gets mad if I do that) he said he had being having a deep conversation with his sister but wouldn’t tell me what and he ignored me again and then came back like nothing happened I was super upset and annoyed that he just kept leaving me when I was ringing and try to talk to him I was texting him like why are you doing this to me? I’d never do this to you so he rung me and was like say sorry telling me to say sorry! And I’m like what?? For being upset YOU ignored me ! No you apologise (which he takes forever to do usually) and he wouldn’t apologising kept telling me to so I ended the phone call saying “I’m done bye” I say this a lot when we argue meaning I’m done talking not done with the relationship but I tried to ring him back no answer he didn’t answer me for hours and then my mum texted him asking why I was crying in my room and he said “she broke up with me” which is so untrue I never did ! And I was trying to ring him and talk I was even going to apologise! But no clearly he was looking for an excuse to get rid of me and the baby he says he wants nothing to do with the baby because we have broken up he’s deleted every trace of me on social media it’s like we was never even together I don’t get how he can be so cold I’m devastated well I was now I’m more empowered I’ll do this on my own I don’t need him its his loss and he will regret it and what 20 year old man can get convinced by his own family to leave his pregnant girlfriend and have nothing to do with his baby oh and btw thanks for not changing your card details I got a pram mosses basket and lots of baby clothes 😆 idiot haha can’t wait to be the best mum and you’ll come back wantin to see my baby think again 😂