
I found out I had PCOS in October. My doctor told me if I lose 5% of my body weight it would help my period to become regular, and I really didn’t want to have to take medications every month to make my period come down. (I hadn’t had a normal period for about a years and a half after getting off birth control.) I decided to start exercising and eating healthier in December. I had my first 2 normal periods back to back for December and January. But then February comes around and there is nothing. ( I’m just thinking here goes this PCOS affecting my period again). I had lost 11 pounds which was exactly 5% of my weight. I already had my annual doctors appointment scheduled for February 16, so I decided I would discuss this with my doctor then. I get to the appointment and take a routine urine test.( I didn’t even think anything of it) About 5mins later the nurse pops her head in the door and says “Congratulations your test came back positive!” I’m looking at her very confused. I ask her, “Are you serious?” Of course she says yes. I was in shock! The first 2 months I have a normal period and BAM I’m pregnant! I’m nervous and excited, but I’m ready for this journey!