So my boyfriend has major trust issues the more he starts to like and love me... The more he he starts to question what I do. Lately he’s been getting mad that I’ve been going out... making it seem like I’m not allow to it I must as first. Last week he got upset with me having a last minute Birthday shoot. Literally 30 min session of me getting my head shots done. He made a big deal out if that. On Friday he was very busy answering me hour after hour then 4-5hours go by I’m blowing his phone up and finally he answers. He had asked what I was doing I told him I was getting ready to go out with my cousins who was treating me and my other cousin for my birthday. Long story short he got upset that I didn’t mentioned it to him before. Honestly this plan was last minute and he was barley talking to me... So he barley gave me a chance to say anything. Didn’t post any pictures or video. I always do and someone always gets offended that they aren’t invited and I just didn’t wanna deal with all that thus week. Not everything has to be posted. So he thinks because I didn’t post no videos or pictures that I’m doing some sneaky shit. So now he’s upset saying he doesn’t trust me and he’s not fucking with me...Basically told me he’s done with me. Like I get it I should of told him still but I’m out with my fam not doing anything at all. Like I just wish y’all knew how much I love this guy. I literally grab about him so for him to think I’m doing something when I’m really not...drives me crazy like I literally don’t even look at other guys. I get it he’s very territorial but I need him to chill and just trust that I’m out here doing anything. We are in a big fight and it’s draining my entire weekend. I’m hurt and just want his company but he’s being a jerk and wanna be mad over nothing. Talking about he’s done.... like no way. I’m not weak or anything like that I just believe they when you love someone you’ll do anything to make shit work. I don’t like giving up on people. I know how it feels. Also i forgot to mentioned he nutted in me and didn’t tell me to a few weeks after! Like omg! 😔 Ladies talk to me! 😩🤦🏼‍♀️literally breaking down. What do y’all think about this?! 👀👂🏽👂🏽👂🏽