How soon did labor start with baby #2?


I am currently 35+5w with baby number 2. at 32w was admitted for preterm labor and given mag, nifedipine, terbutaline to stop it and baby got steroid shots. After 3 days we got to go home with only taking it easy and to take nifedipine on an as-needed basis. Last night over several hours I lost my mucus plug, I knew that it was because it was very different from the mucousy discharge Ive had before. With my first baby my water broke before the plug came so I am curious to know how soon after other moms lost their plug before labor started or water breaking. I also have Polyhydramnios and an anterior placenta.

Update: Water broke at 12:15 a.m. this morning at 36w. Thankfully no cord prolapse which has been my worst fear. Now waiting for my girl to come into this world.