Soft Cervix 23wks. Anyone Please?

So I have a prolapsed bladder. Sometimes it's worse than other days. Today I was feeling sore so I feel the inside of my vag and my bladder it's definitely sagging a little today. Which at this point I've excepted and the Drs are all aware of this issue. I will likely have to get a corrective surgery at some point. While I was feeling though I decided to feel my cervix. The Dr did so last time I came in with significant sagging so I figured why not right. My cervix felt really soft and like it might be open a tiny bit. I hate going to the Dr for nothing or calling them for nothing. Even if it's nothing big they never just say that. They always tell me if you feel like you need to be seen them come in tomorrow. Which is good and annoying. I get the Dr don't want to say it's nothing even if they think that. If it is and they say it's not then they are liable for anything that bad happens. Just curious if anyone has had a soft cervix so early and if it's worth getting seen about?