
I’m going through a rough phrase with my boyfriend of 3 years. He did something so stupid that I almost left him but I decided to stay to fight and save our relationship. And the text he sent it to me melt my heart 😔

Any advice for me or for my boyfriend?

Send positive vibes!😓😓😓

So what happened was I caught him using cocaine in my bathroom so that was where I got so pissed and told him we are done (I was pissed so I wasn’t thinking straight so I didn’t meant what I said)

Apparently he said he use it once a month for a year, the whole time I didn’t know until last night.

He was peer pressured from a friend so that why he decided to use it with him.

He said he will stop using it because he doesn’t want to lose me and that I’m more important than drug.

I want to believe him, I want to so badly but the fact that he hid it for a year, it’s just too hard for me.