Hormone Sensitivity

Emma • ♡

Hi y'all. My name is Emma, I'm 18 and I had the Nexplanon implant from just before I turned 16 years old until I was almost 18. I ended up taking it out because it made me sick - worsened cramps, really bad nausea. I then switched to Mirena after a month of being implant-free, from just after I turned 18 until... a week ago. It started making me sick the way the implant did, but in a much more progressive manner. My nausea got so bad that I couldn't eat anything without immediately feeling like I was going to throw it back up. I told the GYN and his immediate response was "do you want it out?" Me:

So he took it out, which was surprisingly pain free and gave me what he described as a low-hormone birth control pill - Taytullah (forgive me if I butchered the spelling, I'm not looking at the pack), to be exact - and told me that I probably am just really sensitive to hormones. His exact words were "you seem to really just have hormone sensitivity". So... thoughts? Did anyone else have some sort of adverse, hormone-sensitive reaction to their implants and/or hormonal IUDs? Did you immediately switch birth controls after? What was going from a hormonal IUD to the pill like for you? Please help. My uterus is going to press charges for domestic abuse if I keep switching birth controls.