Conceiving with PCOS (long one)

Angelica • 31 | Married | PCOS | Momma of ✌️ | Ezra🦕| Eian🐻

My story: Having PCOS made it really hard to believe that expanding our family without any type of medical help was possible, BUT God! I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 12, when I was rushed to surgery after a yearly physical. I had an overgrown cyst on my right ovary.

While preparing me for surgery the doctor explained to me that if the cyst was too difficult to remove they would have to remove my ovary. Which would lead to not being able to have children in the future. I was 12! I was nervous the thought that I would not have the opportunity to have children, But God. Thankfully, they were able to remove the cyst without complications.

Fast forward a couple years I was in HS and I never had a period. Doctors saw that as an issue so, i was prescribed birth control to rush things. I took birth control for about 6 years. I then, decided to stop taking medication. And I was without any type of cycle for 3 years.

At the age of 22 is when I got my first period naturally! It came out of nowhere and after that I got it every month like clockwork. I saw that as sign from God that I was able to conceive. Little did I know the patience and trust I had to have.

Husband deployed, he got sick, basically all my friends were having babies left and right, husband returned and I was still NOT pregnant. Three years later of feeling like a normal woman I decided that I wasn’t going to try anymore. I was going to stop tracking, pin pointing anything that had to do with ttc. I decided that would solely trust in God’s timing. It was the Fall of 2017 when I decided I should seek medical help. I just wanted to begin the “treat” my PCOS. I wanted to do that so my end result would be a baby. But, little did I know that I had already conceived.

My DR wanted to get blood work to see where my hormones levels were. But she had directed me to get blood work done on my second or third day of my period. So, I patiently waited. Not worrying because my period came like clockwork. Few days go by, I start to get suspicious but I didn’t want to jump into conclusions. Then almost a week goes by and I’m just like “i really need to get blood work done” where the heck is my AF ?! I talked with my husband and I expressed I was scared to take a test because I didn’t want to be disappointed. But, he reassured me to just take the test to just rule it out because at the end of the day I already began the process to get treatment.

After brunch, I stopped at a dollar store to buy a pregnancy test. It was December 3rd, 2017 when i got my first ever positive! I ran to my husband crying, we’re pregnant. That explained my missed period. My greatest joy, our gift from God. Baby is due 08/18/18. I am currently 15w5d. I can’t wait to have our baby in our arms. All of this to say, God’s timing is absolutely perfect and He is so so faithful.

Btw, this is not to say seeking medical help for infertility is a bad thing. I was at the point but God has other plans.