What's next...?


I'm back! And with a very interesting update!!

Finally, I was able to talk to him on the phone and he definitely seemed like he wanted to see me in person again. But also alone.

And that's exactly what happened.

We sort of went on a short double date with the friends that are setting us up and I rode in the car with him. Just the two of us. And then, obviously he was my ride back.

Here's where it starts getting good.

Once we got back to the apartment (my apartment that he's staying at while I'm not officially 100% moved in)he took my hand and lead me to the room.

I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't see the next part coming, but it started very sweet with a nice kiss. I wasn't planning on anything more happening but we both got so caught up in the moment and, one thing lead to another and you should be able to figure out the rest lol

But, afterwards, it was nothing like anything I'd had with anyone else. We actually did the whole cuddle and fall asleep together. Around 11pm (we'd gotten back from dinner around 7) we both woke up and ended up watching netflix for a while. I cracked a joke and said "skipped netflix and went straight for the chill earlier". Got a nice laugh out of him so that's good.

Now I'm just sort of unsure what's going to happen next. I'm not going to be one of those girls who sits there and begs him to define what's going on because I don't think he really knows yet either but I do wish that going straight for the chill part isn't going to mess anything up.