Vent about my MIL

I am in love with my newborn! He makes me so happy, I get a runner's high from breastfeeding, and from him looking up at me with a smile. This is my first baby and I am VERY SELFISH with him. I exclusively breastfeed so other people don't nag me to feed him; The MIL never leaves me alone and thinks it's her baby and I'm just a surrogate so anything that I can do for him that she cannot, I will. He's my baby and I just want everyone else to BACK OFF and leave us alone. I think my MIL is selfish for not letting me dote on him and love him without complaining that I don't give her a chance to. I feel like I cannot properly bond with him because she's always here, and she always wants to take him when she visits. Can she not just visit without feeling like I owe her my son? It's not like she traveled hours to see him, she lives 10 minutes away! I'm starting to resent her for being too involved and daring to think that she loves him as much as I do. I don't want a baby sitter, no I don't want to go out and leave my baby, no I don't need a break, no you cannot have him for a few hours. HE'S MY BABY! 😠 If she had backed off from the beginning and allowed me to be his mom, I wouldn't feel this way about her. I'm fine with other people holding him, because they wait until I offer, and they give him back. She tries to act like she's his mom. Arghh! 😡😡😡😠😠😠 Just a quick edit: Grandma's time with him will be while I'm at work- that's 9 hours a day that she'll get with him. It's not unreasonable that I ask for this bonding time during my maternity leave. She'll have her her time. She tries to hog him and insists on her best friend meeting him, and makes decisions for him like I don't even exist. I can't say no again, I'll explode. I just want her to stop being so pushy and let me bond with him right now. If she didn't push everyday, I wouldn't mind. My FIL and mom aren't pushy, they are respectful.