I think I have endometriosis HELP!!


Ive been on bc for 4 years now, Decided to TTC in Sept. Growing up I always had cramps throughout the month (no biggie). Well I noticed that since October Ive been having not just cramps but really bad back pain throughout the month. Got pregnant in November, had a missed miscarriage in Dec (which the back pain was unbearable) felt like I was in labor. I asked my OB if I had endometriosis because of the back pain Ive been feeling. First she tells me no, but I went to her this month because of all the cramping and back pain which she then says its a possibility I do because of the 2 cyst I have which are 2cm, but it would be a small case. So my question is what are your symptoms with endometriosis and when you were pregnant did you still have all your symptoms? Im terrified to get pregnant because every time I feel any pain Im going to think Im having a MC