Tell me if I’m wrong!

Nicole • 21// baby boy born 9/24 💙 // engaged💍

So this is kind of a long story, but I watch this little girl who is 11 months old. It’s my only job right now because my first trimester has been horrible in terms of morning sickness and fatigue etc. anyway, my mom used to watch this baby and her and the babies mom agreed on $100 a week. Which is basically nothing for watching her 10 hours a day 5 days a week. Well my mom went back to work and so I agreed that I would watch her, it would give me practice for my own baby and also we loooove having this baby in our house, my mom has supported her in terms of diapers, food, toys, etc since she was 3 months old. Lately when she picks her baby up from me, she gives me so much attitude if I mention that she needs food or formula or diapers or anything! And shes very ungrateful and it really started getting on my nerves. She does not bath her baby or clip her nails and she shows up in the same clothes for 3 days in a row sometimes! The biggest problem for me is she started showing up 2 hours after she was supposed to come get her, without texting me and letting me know. So I told her today that I think we should renegotiate the price as I now have her 12 hours a day 5 days a week, and also provide food because she never brings any. When she showed up to get her she basically called me rude and selfish and that I couldn’t ask for more money (I was only asking for $50 more a week) and told me that she wouldn’t bring her back anymore. She claims that she will give me the $200 she owes me on Wednesday but I doubt that will happen because that’s the type of person she is. I’m actually so sad because this baby has become a part of our family and we care for her and feed her and play with her and do things like Clip her nails and bath her when she needs it. We even have a little room for her in our house with a pack n play and clothes and so many toys that me or my mom bought her. I’m just curious if I’m at all in the wrong here? I feel awful for saying anything because I am going to miss her so much but I don’t think what I was asking was unreasonable. Here’s pictures of what I texted her today before she picked the baby up


Update! Thanks everyone for your comments! I’m really struggling with this because I miss her so much I feel like my own family was taken and it’s been a tough day :(

I will talk it over with my mom on whether she thinks we should call CPS, I’m hesitant because I’m still hoping she will change her mind and bring her back but if we call, she’ll probably know it’s us and I won’t even see her again! Thank you everyone for the advice though I appreciate it very much. Lotus is a happy baby overall so I’m hoping that it is not as bad at home as it seems to all of you. My mom does have her on Facebook so she uploads pictures of her there from time to time and we will keep an eye out for any more signs of neglect!