Just for fun...is your baby a textbook Gemini?

From Momstrology.com:

Congratulations! You’ve just given birth to a real, live Baby Einstein. Gemini kids are all born with a touch of genius to them. They may exhibit an early musical gift, talk or read before other kids, or have a rare ability that makes them contenders for “America’s Got Talent.” Whatever the case, life won’t be dull when a Gemini baby is crawling around the house. Naturally curious, they’ll want to touch everything in sight. Extra baby-proofing is a good idea; cover up those electrical outlets! Ruled by the communication planet Mercury these chatty kids may talk to themselves or an imaginary friend, and in some cases might even develop their own language before learning to speak their parents’ tongue.


* Gemini kids tend to have advanced technical abilities. Many of them are good with computers, but watch out or they could get addicted to video games. Give them hands-on toys like musical instruments. They may learn how to play by ear. They’ll also enjoy scientific toys, like detective kits or chemistry sets.

* Teach them a foreign language. Being the sign of the communicator, Gemini picks up easier than other kids on new dialects.

* Drama classes are a natural fit for Gemini kids who are great at mimicking others. Child actors Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (the ubertwins) are Geminis!

* Gemini is the sign of the twins and these kids thrive in a social setting. Note: they prefer to be with kids close to their own age, so get them into preschool and playgroups as early as possible.

Parenting Tips:

Be prepared to answer the question, “why” with a darn good reason. These sharp kids won’t accept “because I said so” as an answer easily. They do respond well to logic, however, and you may be surprised at how adult their understanding of rules can be.

Be consistent. Geminis get a rap for being “two-faced,” which is a not-so-nice way of saying that they these kids have a hard time making up their minds. Parents who are solid, decisive and stable can provide a safe space for Gemini to navigate through indecisiveness and draw a conclusion. Inconsistency in the home, however, can have a debilitating effect on young Geminis who may fall into the trap of “analysis paralysis” and be scared to take action.

Consider alternative schooling. Your Gemini may display prodigy-like talents in one subject and completely flop in another. These responsive, anxious kids are also more restless than most, and may be misdiagnosed as having ADD. Explore unconventional paths for their education before you race out to fill a prescription for Ritalin.

Call them on their white lies. These cunning kids know how manipulate with words. If you know your Gemini kid is trying to pull a fast one on you, don’t sweep it under the rug. Teach them the power of their words and encourage them to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.